Launch, Grow, & Prosper
in your Solopreneurial Journey
Connect with Markey

Unlock My Solprenuerial Superpowers

Are you thinking about starting a business or recently launched a business?

Growing My Business

Have you been in business for 5 or more years?

Wonderful Women Circle

Have you been in business for a while and are looking for a cohort of other committed people?

Unlock My Solopreneurial Superpowers

Unlock My Solopreneurial Superpowers is a good fit for you if:

  • You are thinking of starting a business, but not sure this is the best option for you right now.
  • You have a business idea that you want to launch but need some support.
  • You currently have a business, and you are not finding the level of personal satisfaction you were seeking when you started it.
  • You currently have a business, and you are not making enough income.
  • You currently have a business and its growing beyond your capacity to manage all the parts effectively.

I provide focused support to motivated people who are launching and developing their entrepreneurial projects.

We will focus on these essential questions to help you develop and launch your business:


  • Who are you and how can you access your Superpowers? (Personality Type)
  • How do your core motivations shape your business? (Mission & Vision)
  • Who are your People? (Clients)
  • What value are you offering? (Services & Products)
  • How will you make a living? (Pricing & Negotiating)
  • What is your core marketing message? (Marketing)
  • How will you promote your business? (Marketing)
  • What systems are important? (Operations)
  • How will you grow and prosper as a Solopreneur? (Business Roadmap)

Growing My Business

I provide focused support to motivated people who have been in business for a while and need to make some adjustments or change course entirely.

We will take a deep dive into your business and find the answers to these essential questions to help you make the adjustments you need to grow your business: 

  • Are you accessing your Superpowers? (Personality Type)
  • How do your core motivations shape your business? (Mission & Vision)
  • Are they still your people? (Clients)
  • Are you still offering value that really matters to you? (Services & Products)
  • Are you paying yourself enough? (Pricing & Negotiating)
  • Have you adjusted your message for who you are now? (Marketing)
  • How much of your marketing is about discovery, nurturing, and conversion? Marketing)
  • Is it time to hire help? (Operations)
  • How will you continue to grow and prosper as a Solopreneur? (Business Roadmap)

Growing My Business is a good fit for you if:

  • You currently have a business, and you are not finding the level of personal satisfaction you were seeking when you started it.
  • You currently have a business, and you are not making enough income.
  • You currently have a business and its growing beyond your capacity to manage all the parts effectively.

What Others Have to Say

Markey is a powerhouse presenter and facilitator. Markey presents information in an easy-to-understand format and appeals to vast learning styles. She’s taught a number of sessions with us at the Center for Women & Enterprise to clients across the entrepreneurial spectrum.

Markey comes equipped with excellent content and takeaways. As an expert facilitator, Markey is also often sought to emcee events. She’s got an excellent sense of humor which, when combined with her ability to effectively deliver business content, makes her a very valuable member of any coaching, instructor, and curriculum team.

Gwen Pokalo Director
Vermont Center for Women & Enterprise

When I left the auditorium, I was compelled to get on with my life. I’d perseverated for years about my next steps.  Markey’s presentation helped me get the clarity I needed to launch my business.

Solopreneur, Vermont