Personality Type is Fundamental
Personality Type (aka MBTI) is a powerful lens that enables you to understand the strengths of your team. Knowing the individual types and group dynamics of your team allows everyone to be more effective, engaged, and energized in their roles.
We offer a comprehensive approach to unlocking the potential of your team. Using a combination of Temperament, Interaction Styles, Team Leadership Styles, and Project Leadership Styles, your team members will be able to tap into their own resources and those of their co-workers more effectively.
“Why integrate Personality Type into your organization?
- Personality Type (aka MBTI) is wholistic and dynamic system that helps people understand the expectations that team members bring to groups and roles.
- It provides a common language for building bridges and creating more inclusive teams.
- Learn how to access the strengths of your people in daily interactions and strategic positioning of company, team, or department.”
Discover Your Leadership Style

Dynamic Leadership Styles ©2017 Markey Read
Different times and circumstances call for different kinds of leaders. Knowing your Leadership Style allows you to access your power. Based in Personality Type (MBTI), Markey’s model supports you in creating a career, team or business where you can shine.
- Step into your Superpowers and discover the freedom that follows.
- Make friends with your Bozopowers and learn how to lean into the strengths of your team.
- Tap into the energy and resources that are unique to your Personality Type.
Markey’s endless curiosity about what makes a good leader resulted in developing an dynamic Leadership Styles model that helps people recognize and powerfully claim the kind of leader they are instead of mimicking the mannerisms and language of others. In her book, Leadership Styles, Making Informed Decisions (2017), she presents a dynamic model that encourages a diversity in leadership roles that transcend conventional ideals.
Leadership Coaching
All Types of Leaders benefit from coaching. In a series of individualized and private sessions, you can explore how to lead from your Leadership Style while continuing to grow and develop.
- Discover the natural opportunities and challenges of your Leadership Style.
- Learn to flex your Leadership Style.
- Recognize your natural blind spots and build resources.
Whether you are a Solopreneur, a CEO, or a Team Leader, individual Leadership Coaching will help you get support for your tactical and strategic challenges in real time so you can do more of what works.
- Learn to recognize and lean into the strengths of different Leadership Styles and build resilient teams.
- Embrace the opportunities that arise from including a variety of Leadership Styles in decision-making
Teams and individuals make thousands of decisions every day. Creating inclusive decisions in any organizations is a challenge and the faster we move the harder that becomes.
Using the Eight Essential Questions model provides leaders and team members with a method for inclusion, by looking at challenges, projects, and planning from multiple perspectives. Each question represents the core needs of each of the Leadership Styles. Incorporating these questions into your routine and strategic conversations will enable your organization to consider the perspectives of the people around the table and those who may not be present yet.
Make more informed and inclusive decisions
- Develop leaders from within teams
- Become more facile in considering multiple perspectives

Project leadership Styles ©2017 Markey Read

Team Leadership Styles ©2017 Markey Read
8 Essential Questions

Inclusive Decision Model ©2017 Markey Read
Teams and individuals make thousands of decisions every day. Creating inclusive decisions in any organizations is a challenge and the faster we move the harder that becomes.
Using the Eight Essential Questions model provides leaders and team members with a method for inclusion, by looking at challenges, projects, and planning from multiple perspectives. Each question represents the core needs of each of the Leadership Styles. Incorporating these questions into your routine and strategic conversations will enable your organization to consider the perspectives of the people around the table and those who may not be present yet.
Make more informed and inclusive decisions
- Develop leaders from within teams
- Become more facile in considering multiple perspectives
Want to learn more about availability for on-site and on-line workshops for your organization?
The MBTI® is based on Carl Jung’s theories on human behavior and development. Developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the MBTI® is now the most widely used measure of normal personality in the world.
MBTI and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.